Silhouettes of Santa Fe

Part IV: Christmas on the Caribbean

Santa Fe is a very small town on the Caribbean coast, essentially just a beach lined with hotels and houses. We spent a few days there, enjoying the luxurious feeling that comes from beginning and ending a day in the same place. The opportunities for speaking with Venezuelans were limited since it was largely a gringo tourist town, but we did get to know the owner of our hotel and some local children that were hanging out on the beach.

On Christmas Eve we ate a delicious whitefish dinner with a bunch of other gringos and had Spanish class in the sand. A day later we went out in a boat with a local guide, ostensibly for snorkeling. By far the highlight of the trip, though, was when we found ourselves amidst a pod of dolphins. There were what appeared to be a hundred dolphins all swimming and playing around the boat. We all immediately had the same thought: "gee, what if I were to just 'accidentally' fall out of the boat..." but our guide assured us as soon as anything broke the surface of the water they'd swim away.
Cathy finds a solution to her seeing-while-snorkelling problem

Santa Fe from the boat

We enjoyed our rest in Santa Fe perhaps a little too much. It took us a couple days to get up the gumption to make plans and leave. Once we did, we decided to put in a long haul and go all the way across the country to Mérida in the Andes, then work our way back towards Caracas to conclude the trip.